जवाब, Answer
आज बाजारमें देखा ,
कुछ नादान बच्चे सब्जी बेच रहे थे !
मैने पूछा "पालक" हैं क्या ?
बच्चोंका जवाब सुनकर मेरा मन भर आया . . .
बोले "पालक" होते तो क्या सब्जी बेचते...?
Saw in the market today,
Some innocent children were selling vegetables!
I was asked what is "Palak" ?
I was surprised to hear the children's response...
They said, If "Palak" would have been there,
Would they have been selling vegetables...?
(Note: Spinach in English is "Palak" the name of vegetable in Hindi (Indian) language; also the other meaning of this word is "Parents". That is why this poem can not be translated word to word.)